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Antonio NoackAnd at the moment I am looking at the chinese language (you may know I am German, so that's the other end of the world) and it's pretty funny and interesting too, to see a different grammatical structure. My dearest word combination type 340 and 330 which are popular in western languages (in the bus (in = rel. often, the = rel. super often, bus = rel. never)) may not be popular in these languages. I may set my AKISA so she can search for information from chinese stories and books...
Antonio NoackAlso it would be interest to look on Wikipedia for other language strings of our humanity... and how their language is built. Theoretically there should be the typical exponential of word frequencies like here and there should be specific repeating sentence part structures in all of them. Antonio NoackMy "main" site about them: Antonio Noack <- works now Antonio Noacknot??? why? xD Antonio Noackanother test: end. Antonio Noackok.... -.- fix comming soon Antonio Noack <- works now looool Antonio Noack test123 Antonio Noack Hallu Comment: |